Posted by admin
Posted on April 26, 2018
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Watch Killing Time (2012) Full Movie and Get Access. Killing Time can be access for free registering. Streaming Killing Time with HD Quality.
Killing Time (2012)
Release : 2012-03-15 Genre : Horror Runtime : 88 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast : Lee Ji-hye, Kim Jin-geun, Kim Byeong-choon, Jung Ae-yeon
Su-jin and Hye-rim are the best friends but after they lost Min suk who they both had crashed on, they do not talk to each other anymore. Later, Su-jin and Hye-rim meet at Min-suk?s grave in his countryside hometown. They kept fighting even in the car and a man jumps into their way from nowhere. The guy threaten them to give a ride to certain place in the forest to meet his boss.
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