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Posted on October 03, 2018
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Streaming Cheondong (1973) Full Movie and Download. Cheondong can be access for free registering. Streaming Cheondong with 1080p Quality.
Cheondong (1973)
Release : 1973-11-21 Genre : Horror Runtime : 84 minutes Home Page : Company : Kukje Movies Cast : Kim Sun-cheol, Choi Chong-min, Ha Yeong-su
Beautiful but poor Bo-Ok is sold to Man-Seok who treats her as on a sexual partner. As his three sisters maltreat her as well, lonely Bo-Ok endures all odds and difficulties with relying emotionally on innocent and honest servant Cheon-Dong. But Man-Seok misunderstands them and kills Cheon-Dong. As he tries to kill even Bo-Ok, Cheon-Dong's hatred spirit appears to save her and sends Man-Seok's three sisters to hell where they experience sufferings and regret their faults. After he watches Bo-Ok's happiness, Cheon-Dong's spirit disappears to heaven.
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